Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello Week Three

Greetings for Week Three.

Here you will find a brief introduction to this week during which I offer some discussion of the chapters and of the writing assignments.

I hope that your week gets off to a good start.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Professor,

    Greetings from the cold hinterlands of NH and thank you for this week's podcast.

    When I post on the discussion board, I write out the post on Microsoft Word, and then cut and paste. I have found that when I do this, it auto-imbeds my webpage links. Just a bit I wanted to share with anyone interested.

    One of my most difficult challenges when writing is knowing my audience. Often, I look for ways to gain a better understanding of the reader.

    I am looking forward to going through chapter 10 and applying it to this weeks assignment. It seems as though the information in this chapter will add to and tie together previously discussed topics in chapter 7.
    Thank you,

    Jon Corbett
